Mindray Adds BeneFusion MRI Station to Its Infusion Management System to Enhance Full-Process Medication Delivery Safety


BeneFusion MRI Station in front of an MR machine

Shenzhen, China – Mindray today unveiled BeneFusion MRI Station, an MRI-compatible infusion solution aimed at ensuring continuous and safe medication delivery during the MR scanning process. The addition of this new solution expands the capabilities of Mindray's BeneFusion series infusion management system, improving clinical safety and enhancing patient care throughout the entire patient journey.

BeneFusion MRI Station
BeneFusion MRI Station

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has emerged as a highly effective and non-invasive medical diagnostic tool, experiencing a substantial increase in usage over recent decades. This non-invasive imaging procedure enables the generation of highly detailed and cross-sectional images of the body's internal structures, delivering exceptional clarity and precision. Globally, it is estimated that more than 100 million MRI scans are performed each year.


The MRI environment is subject to stringent control measures due to the powerful magnetic field in MR scanning. This magnetic field can attract nearby ferromagnetic objects, posing potential risks of accidents and injuries. Moreover, the presence of metal and electronic devices within the MRI room can lead to image artifacts, potentially impacting diagnostic accuracy.


As a result, administering intravenous agents during MRI scans becomes a complex process, often requiring conventional infusion pumps to be positioned outside the MRI room with long extension lines. This setup not only adds complexity to the procedure but also introduces potential delays in MRI diagnosis, leading to increased risks and costs associated with patient treatment. Finding a safer and more efficient solution for intravenous administration during MRI scans becomes essential to ensure seamless healthcare delivery and optimize patient outcomes.

 The Need of Infusion during MRI
The Need for Infusion during MRI 

The BeneFusion MRI Station is an advanced solution designed to tackle challenges and offer a more streamlined and safer medication delivery method within the MRI room. Equipped to accommodate up to 4 BeneFusion n series or e series pumps, this innovative solution effectively shields the infusion devices against electromagnetic interference in 1.5-T or 3.0-T magnetic fields, ensuring high-quality MRI imaging without compromising safety and precision in medication administration.

At the right position

MagSenseTM magnetic density monitoring and alarming

Safe operation within the MRI room demands precise positioning of devices to ensure exposure to a magnetic flux density of less than 20mT. The new MRI station is equipped with the MagsenceTM magnetic density monitoring and alarming system, providing real-time feedback continuously. Multiple sensors are strategically placed at different positions of the device, offering accurate and reliable magnetic density monitoring. Intuitive indicators in distinct LED lights and sounds further enhance user awareness.

Magsense™: Accurate Magnetic Density Monitoring and Alarm System

As the MRI machine consistently emits magnets, it necessitates that magnetic flux density monitoring systems operate full-time. BeneFusion MRI Station addresses this challenge by incorporating a highly efficient rechargeable battery. This notable feature empowers the MagsenceTM system to operate seamlessly for an impressive 720 hours, ensuring continuous monitoring and maximizing safety.

Take full control

Wireless and remote control solution

During the MRI scanning process, clinicians may encounter the need to adjust infusion settings for various urgent purposes, such as increasing sedation levels, modifying the infusion rate of vital life-support drugs, and pausing or resetting the stressing infusion alarms. However, each pause of this nature can take up to more than 20 minutes to ensure the safety of both clinicians and patients.


BeneFusion MRI station revolutionizes MRI procedures by offering wireless and remote control functionality. This cutting-edge feature enables validated users to adjust infusion parameters and to start or stop infusions directly from a central monitoring station. The system supports a full line of common infusion modes to effectively cater to diverse clinical demands, ensuring seamless and efficient medication delivery during MRI scans.

* The specific function is available in selected countries/regions. Specifications may differ based on regions and regulatory requirements.

All at ease

Considerate design to safeguard every step

The new system follows the principle of simplicity in its design, ensuring that clinicians can easily master the entire workflow. The inclusion of a hand brake guarantees secure positioning with the automatic wheel lock engaging upon handle release. For added convenience, front and back-end push handles, along with caster wheels, enable the station to move smoothly and accompany the patient throughout the scan.


With a large viewing window at the front, clinicians can take advantage of the excellent visibility of BeneFusion series pumps. Moreover, in line with the design of the BeneFusion n series docking system, a 270° long alarming light is incorporated at the top of the MRI station, enhancing the visibility of alarms from a wide perspective. This thoughtful design ensures that critical information is readily accessible, promoting timely and confident intervention throughout the entire procedures.

BeneFusion MRI Station product details

Throughout the journey

An all-round BeneFusion series infusion solution

Since the introduction of the BeneFusion n series as the first infusion pump product with a full-touch capacitive screen in the market, the new MRI station marks another significant milestone in the journey of Mindray’s BeneFusion series to provide a comprehensive infusion management solution to healthcare facilities. The series' versatile docking portfolio also includes a flexible range of docking solutions from 2 to 24 slots, as well as a dedicated tDS transfer docking station, catering to various infusion scenarios.

Comprehensive infusion solution throughout the hospital scenarios
BeneFusion MRI Station

The inclusion of the BeneFusion MRI station further expands our ability to integrate different infusion settings into a single system, streamlining and simplifying the infusion process while enhancing efficiency and reducing potential errors. This unified approach empowers healthcare professionals with smoother workflows, enabling them to consistently deliver high-quality care to patients across different care settings.


Mark Sun

General Manager of Mindray International PMLS Sales & Marketing