Evolve for better care


Based in the vibrant city of Milan, the second-most populous city in Italy, Niguarda Hospital provides a wide range of medical services to the population within its extensive catchment area of 1213 beds, as well as serving as a university teaching center and coordination centre for clinical research where more than 500 studies are performed each year.


The hospital has been true to its motto of “respect of tradition, continuous evolution”, a perspective that has become increasingly important in Italy over the last decade, as hospitals across the country have moved towards accommodating acute cases. This means that Niguarda Hospital has had to change the way it works to provide greater intensity of care, with new equipment.


High Acuity

Accommodation of acute cases has become an important index for a hospital's medical excellence. Niguarda hospital's Neural Care Department is one of the most renowned in Italy. What special requirements do acute cases set for the Neuro-ICU?



"We analyse patients’ vital signs in terms of neuro-intensive care. This involves a number of specific parameters such as cerebral regional hemoglobin oxygen saturation, intracranial pressure, haemodynamic parameters and mixed or central venous oxygen saturation. So we need a monitoring system that covers all these with competence."


Professor Roberto Fumagalli

Chief Doctor of Niguarda Hospital

Complete mobility

In the busy hospital, medical practitioners must keep track of the patients’ condition as they traverse the various care points throughout their stay at the hospital. The portable patient monitor BeneView T1 is part of a fully integrated care platform, supporting full mobility. Slotting into the larger bedside patient monitors BeneView T5 and BeneView T9 as a module, the unit can be quickly unplugged too, provide visibility into the patient's vital signs even between points of care, and support the transparent exchange of patient monitoring information across devices and departments. This speeds up patient flow and reduces errors.


Feeding data to a central hypervisor, patient diagnostics and information from the BeneView series T1, T5, and T9 is readily accessible by doctors and nurses throughout the hospital though a range of computer interfaces, and even mobile phones. By simultaneously integrating and displaying information from the hospital network, BeneView serves as a sophisticated information manager for critical care areas.

Simplifed workflow

In a busy environment, ease of use is an important factor in making the practitioner’s workload easier to handle, and reducing the possibility of errors. "We need a competent system that improves the way of work from an organizational point of view. The usability must be good; numeric parameters and the curves must be clear and easy to use by our health workers." says Dr Fabrizio Colombo, Chief Doctor of High Care Medical.


"Things would be easier if there are fewer devices around patients, so that we can concentrate everything within a single monitor. The system should also allow easy access to patients’ clinical documentation." says Chief Nurse Silvano Pagani of Neuro Intensive Care.


"Secure, intuitive, easy to use. Intuitive means you just have to follow the touchscreen instructions and you can input parameters without any trouble. I also train new nurses in the department. It must be simple if I can do it efficiently!"


Ornella Brino

Chief Nurse of High Care Medical in Niguarda Hospital


Things would be easier if there are fewer devices around patients, so that we can concentrate everything within a single monitor. The system should also allow easy access to patients’ clinical documentation.


Silvano Pagani

Chief Nurse of Neuro Intensive Care in Niguarda Hospital

Is there a simple answer?

Is there a simple answer to all these? Caregivers at Niguarda Hospital have the answer. The BeneView Patient Monitoring solution has not only addressed their clinical needs with competence, but more importantly, it helps Niguarda Hospital evolve into a more modernized medical institution in an organizational way. As a prestigious hospital of major referral importance, Niguarda has valuable experience to share with the medical community in increasing competitiveness in today’s dynamic healthcare industry.


> Learn more about Mindray new generation Patient Monitors BeneVision Series in detail