DC-80 with X-Insight: A trusted partner tackling all challenges

Mindray 2019-06-27


Technological innovation is profoundly changing the development of all industries and human lifestyle. The healthcare industry is also transforming to provide smart, integrated, and holistic disease management and services.


In today's fast-paced, overburdened and demanding hospital environment, ultrasound users are challenged to identify high-risk patients efficiently, track disease progression quantifiably, and make informed decisions to optimize treatment efficacy throughout the care continuum. As a result, outstanding medical image performance plays an important role in their daily work.


To address such needs, Mindray is rolling out the DC-80 with X-Insight ultrasound system inherited premium technology to cover the whole process including regular screening, further diagnosis and clinical follow-up with relentless testing and fine-tuning.


Regular Screening with eXpress Clarity


As the amount of patients soar rapidly, ultrasound users are overwhelmed by routine ultrasound diagnosis. It’s of significant importance to boost their efficiency correspondently.

Inspired by insights into such clinical needs, DC-80 with X-Insight not only integrates the X-Engine, but also demonstrates a giant leap in imaging performance. It can process image 3 or 4 times faster than the traditional processing, resulting in fast imaging and superb clarity for multiple applications.


DC-80 with X-Insight


Moreover, the Glazing Flow indicates a breakthrough of color and power flow imaging which offers a brand new way to demonstrate the 2D color Doppler flow innovatively in a 3D visualization. It is able to provide intuitive and easy visualization of blood flow structures as well as boundary definition even for very tiny vessels which helps to achieve more clarity with less efforts. In this way, ultrasound users are able to acquire clear images within seconds even when they are fully zoomed in.


Varicocele with Glazing Flow


Fetal cardiovascular with Glazing Flow


Further Diagnosis

with Quantitative Analysis and Smartness

In terms of high-risk patients, prompt and precise further diagnosis across wide applications and exams need to be performed immediately. However, it’s difficult and energy-consuming to identify benign or malignant lesions as well as to make accurate biopsy. In this case, it would be excessively constructive to have quantitative regular ultrasound images for ultrasound users’ reference.


To meet such requirements, the DC-80 with X-Insight delivers the leading Sound Touch Elastography (STE) technology with real time 2D shear wave imaging and modulus quantification for easy tissue stiffness assessment in wide applications including liver, breast, thyroid and MSK. With the help of reliability map and motion stability index, STE provides quantifications with more accuracy and reproducibility for better diagnosis.


STE of liver cirrhosis


STE of thyroid nodule


Apart from this, to bring the precision imaging to a new level, DC-80 with X-Insight applies iFusion for accurate volume navigation by CT/MRI and combines with CEUS for easy definition of benign or malignant lesions. It is further supported by a sensitive magnetic motion sensor with millimeter accuracy which can help eliminate the matching distortion and fusion inaccuracy caused by unavoidable patient respiration. As a result, it renders more confidence to ultrasound users on tumor diagnosis and interventional procedure.


iFusion with CEUS


Clinical Follow-up with iCompare

Accurate diagnosis should be followed by proper treatment immediately so that ultrasound users still need to evaluate the progression of disease or treatment effects as well as to find the lesions in the end. Nonetheless, maintaining long-term and real-time monitoring can be a real challenge.


To settle this problem, the iCompare feature of DC-80 with X-Insight came into being. It allows ultrasound users to compare real-time ultrasound imaging to the past DICOM CT/MRI/Mammography/X-Ray/Ultrasound images without external workstation which is extremely helpful to evaluate and follow up the progression of disease as well as to monitor treatment effect. For ultrasound users who are suffered from such challenge, the iCompare solution is indeed a savior.


iCompare of CT and US


As a leading medical equipment provider, Mindray continuously evolves its healthcare systems based on profound insights into such crucial clinical needs. As one of the major member of Mindray’s X-Insight family, DC-80 with X-Insight is committed to serving as a trustworthy partner for ultrasound users. Coupled with efficient function as well as intelligent, precise, and clear imaging, the system is ready to bring new energy to the ultrasonic medical community in the near future.
