Infusion innovation: reassuring patient safety during the pandemic

Mindray 2021-01-20


With the rising number of ICU patients and the lack of highly skilled critical care nurses, the timely and high-quality intensive care is extremely scarce during the pandemic[1]. As one of the most frequently used medical technologies in healthcare, particularly in the critical care setting[2], infusion systems have brought great challenges to ICU staff in terms of infusion safety.

Challenges of infusion safety during COVID-19

Due to overwhelming workload and staffing shortage, concerns have risen over the infusion safety in ICUs during the pandemic[1]. In a hospital from pandemic regions, some nurses reported that they might use the wrong unit as they entered the infusion parameters, for example, putting “mg/h” as the dose unit instead of “mcg/kg/h”, which was specified in the prescription[1]. Furthermore, due to a large number of ICU admission, “one-nurse-to-many-patients” situation happened[3]. Some nurses might need to take care of patients in multiple isolation wards at the same time, which made it difficult to realize the timely response to infusion alarms[1].


Advanced technologies should be introduced to ensure the infusion safety in the busy and stressful ICU settings.

Auto-programming for less manual errors

Auto-programming function is considered to be a needed innovation of infusion systems[2]. By programming before administration, the auto-programming function helps with standardizing key parameters of infusion setting. This reduces the risks of manual input errors, while simplifying caregivers’ workflow.


Supported by SafeDoseTM technology, Mindray’s BeneFusion n Series infusion system features the automatic fill-in function, which realizes the autofill of key parameters, such as infusion mode, drug concentration, dosage unit and dose rate, thereby saving time and minimizing mistakes from manual setting. Meanwhile, caregivers still have the flexibility to adjust the parameters according to clinical needs.


Increasing connectivity for remote monitoring

To address the “one-nurse-to-many-patients” situation, the interoperability and connectivity between smart pumps are required[2]. Connected to Mindray BeneVision N Series monitors, alarms of BeneFusion n Series infusion pumps can be transmitted among different wards. This technology highly ensures the responsiveness to infusion alarms, especially in the period of staffing shortage.


Besides, the infusion data and vital signs can be integrated into the central monitoring system simultaneously, and finally be transferred to hospital’s clinical information system. This increases the connectivity and accessibility of patient data, which assists clinicians better in making fast and accurate clinical decision.


Features for complete and easy disinfection

In addition, the shortage of commonly used disinfectants during the pandemic[4] might lead to the failure of proper cleaning and disinfection of infusion pumps, thereby causing higher possibility of cross infection among patients and caregivers in ICUs.


Infusion pumps with easy-to-clean features, such as higher waterproof and dustproof levels and compatible with various disinfectants, can not only secure the cleaning and disinfection, but also improve work efficiency, thereby ensuring the safety of both patients and caregivers.


With IP33 waterproof and dustproof level and being compatible with 49 disinfectants, BeneFusion n Series infusion system can increase the efficiency of cleaning and disinfection for infusion pumps, which simplifies caregiver’s workflow and ensures a safer medication.

The safety of patients and caregivers remains one of the top priorities in ICU settings, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. The entire medical industry has been pushing the boundaries of life-saving technologies to support safer and more efficient treatment. To this end, Mindray has been developing a series of advanced medical devices and solutions.


BeneFusion e Series, as Mindray’s newly designed infusion system, will be launched soon this year. With easy-to-operate medication process and easy-to-clean features, this brand-new infusion system is dedicated to improving caregivers’ work efficiency and infusion safety. To stay up-to-date with Mindray’s infusion systems, please visit here .


[1] HealthLeaders. During the pandemic, aspire to identify and prevent medication errors and to avoid blaming attitudes. Available from:

[2] Giuliano KK. Intravenous smart pumps: Usability issues, intravenous medication administration error, and patient safety. Crit Care Nurs Clin North Am. 2018;30(2):215–24.

[3] Nursing in a pandemic [Internet]. Available from:

[4] Hoke Z. Shortage of ingredients delays production of sanitizers. Available from: