BeneVision: seeing is envisioning

Mindray 2017-07-12


You look at a star for two reasons, because it is luminous, and because it is impenetrable. You have beside you a sweeter radiance and a greater mystery.


Victor Hugo, Les Miserables

155 years after the final chapter of Victor Hugo's epic novel was published, the vast starry sky is no longer a impenetrable mystery. Technological progresses in astronomical apparatus have empowered us with the insight to envision more.



Modern technology is transforming the way we see the world.


In clinical medicine, technological progress brings an exponential growth in the number of monitoring parameters. Clinicians today have more measured data to support the clinical decision making process which still relies largely on their expertise and clinical judgment.


Mindray believes medical expertise is the most valuable asset of human healthcare and the core of clinical diagnosis. This is why we create the BeneVision Patient Monitoring Solution to help clinicians gain a clearer understanding of patients’ conditions and make easier, faster decisions.



We innovate for one reason: to enhance clinical expertise.


With accurate real-time monitoring and easy access to overall patient information, BeneVision combines monitored data with patient information located in computerized records of medical history, drug therapy, laboratory and radiological testing into a seamless, extensive data network.



Centralized Data Hub

BeneVision N Series Patient Monitor


Powered by cutting-edge technologies, Mindray's BeneVision N Series Patient Monitor offers multiple measurement modules that can simultaneously record an enormous amount of signals and interpret them into advanced clinical measurements such as rSO2, ICG, PiCCO, AG, RM, BIS, NMT, etc. Its innovative module design allows maximum flexibility in patient care. Clinicians can choose the parameters most relevant to their specific clinical needs.


BeneVision N Series Patient Monitor is not just a high-acuity bedside monitor, it is also part of a complete, seamless informatic flow. N Series' originated interoperability makes it the hub of the integrated data flow and a powerful workstation clinicians can rely on to access comprehensive, processed patient informaiton.


With a powerful iView medical PC inside, BeneVision runs applications independently to bring all patient information on the same screen such as medical imaging and laboratory records.


Besides, its plug and play BeneLink module integrates realtime data from other bedside devices, and further transmits to external system by HL7.



Easy Patient Transport

T1 Docking Station


BeneVision's powerful data integration capacity is complemented by the T1 transport solution that follows the patient throughout the entire care process across different clinical departments.


The T1 Docking Station combines the MPM module and transport monitor together, with plug and play capability with BeneVision N Series host monitors. Together they constitute a data network that streamlines workflow, enhances patient safety and optimizes resources for clinicians.



Smart Mobilized Monitoring

BeneVision TM80 Telemetry


BeneVision extends the typical mobile monitoring solution with more wireless roaming, data continuity, and streamlined workflow with the smart wireless telemetry patient monitor BeneVision TM80.


Compact and portable, TM80 can can be worn by the patients anywhere they go. It is also a wireless measurement module that can be paired with BeneVision N Series Patient Monitors so that clinicians can access monitoring data from the bigger bedside patient monitor display, which is easier to read.


Combined with its patient-worn telemetry monitor TM80, which is also a cableless measurement module, BeneVision ensures a supreme level of mobility and offers more freedom to both patient and caregiver.



Powerful Informatics Network

BeneVision CMS

Mindray BeneVision Central Monitoring System is a powerful and scalable solution providing for continuous, real-time surveillance across networks large and small. The system can display patient information from networked monitors, wireless transport solutions, and telemetry transmitters – up to 1200 devices across the hospital enterprise, locally and remotely.


The BeneVision Central Station also makes information accessible beyond the central nursing station or centralized monitoring center through distributed BeneVision View Stations, and Workstations, and even smartphones to optimize clinical productivity. And bi-directional communications with ADT and EMR solutions are streamlined with the Mindray eGateway Integration Engine.


Envision More


With BeneVision, patient data is no longer seen like a scattered cluster of stars, but instead, it forms a seamless informatics flow from which clinicians can easily detect early warning of health concerns and start optimized management of diseases.



Mindray believes the best way to predict the future is to create it. The revolutionary BeneVision N Series is designed to liberate clinical expertise with seamless information flow throughout the entire patient monitoring process.



more about BeneVision:


We innovate to create more intelligent applications

products and solutions,

to liberate clinical expertise

and deliver better healthcare for all.






clinical expertise


Envision More